Kids Can National Mufti Day 2014

Peria School had a wonderful day celebrating the Kids Can National Mufti Day on Friday the 19th of September.  All the kids certainly made an effort with their costumes and the teachers wowed us with theirs.   An assembly was held to showcase the costumes and awards were given for their creativity and uniqueness.  A gold coin donation was made by all the children towards such a great cause.

Thank you Kid’s Can!

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By |2014-10-07T22:35:17+00:007th October 2014|Te Puna, Te Rangi|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Emily Phimester 26 January 2015 at 7:54 am - Reply

    Amazing costumes I think everyone tryed there hards
    Mr pickards Face on the last one that just scary 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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